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Image by Arthur Yeti

Call for Panels

Celtic Conference in Classics, 2024

Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd

9-12 July / 9-12 Gorffennaf


Since 1998 the Celtic Conference in Classics (CCC) has rotated among universities in Britain, France, and Ireland. In 2017 the CCC expanded into Québec, Canada, and in 2019 to Portugal. The CCC includes upwards of 20 panels on broad topics in Classics and Ancient History (including, but not limited to, philosophy, literature, archaeology, art, reception studies) with roughly 15 to 20 presenters for each panel. The CCC allows each panel to explore fundamental questions in classical studies. Essentially, 20 large-scale conferences on major research topics in Classics occur simultaneously. Scholars are encouraged to move between panels in order to shape interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches. Specialist panels are open to experts from other subject-areas and scholars from different national traditions are encouraged to build international academic networks among their home institutions in order to foster future collaboration. The CCC is a democratic, inclusive organization that invites scholars and students to discuss fundamental issues of Greco-Roman society and culture. The official languages of the CCC are English and French. Please note that for the 2024 CCC, panels or papers in the Welsh language are also welcomed (English translation can be provided). 


We are very happy to announce that the 2024 Celtic Conference in Classics will be held at Cardiff University, Wales, Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th July 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Ancient History and Religion, part of the School of History, Archaeology and Religion (SHARE). We will be delighted to welcome you to Cardiff University, a place deeply associated with Anton Powell, the original founder and Chairman of the Celtic Conference in Classics, whose death in 2020 is felt so keenly by the Classics community. It was on Anton’s initiative that the Classical departments of the then federal University of Wales founded the Institute of Classics and Ancient History (UWICAH), which he directed until 2008. In 1993 he also created his own scholarly publishing house, the Classical Press of Wales (CPW), a series of successful monographs, many by Welsh colleagues, and conference volumes, instantly recognizable by their maroon livery. Anton Powell was a Classical historian of major importance, who loved Wales and was determined to promote the country to the wider world. We aim to make the 2024 CCC a joyful celebration of Anton’s life, scholarship, and legacy.  


The Cardiff University committee of the CCC invites proposals for panels. These should be with the organizers by 31 October 2023. Send panel abstracts, the names and affiliation of any pre-arranged speakers, and indications of individual presentations to:  



(Please note, we do not accept proposals for individual papers). 


Details about organizing and running a CCC panel can be found here: 


The conference hosts approximately twenty panels running simultaneously during the conference. Each panel comprises fifteen to twenty papers, so essentially twenty large-scale conferences occur simultaneously on major topics of Classics and related disciplines.


The choice of panel-subjects and of speakers is made partly by the host campus, partly by volunteer specialists from countries abroad. In recent years, scholars from outside the home countries have provided increasing initiative in the design, chairing and recruitment of panels, and this is very warmly welcomed by the organisers.  


Panel suggestions for all Classical antiquity-related topics are welcome.


In keeping with the CCC ethos, the Cardiff committee will be pleased to welcome panels which explore: 


  • Ancient Sparta 

  • Ancient Warfare 

  • Gender and Sexuality 

  • The Epigraphic Tradition 

  • Archaeology and Ancient History 

  • Wales and Antiquity; Classics in Wales  

  • Ethnicity, Locality, Mobility 

  • Reception Studies 

  • The Classical World and Persia  

  • Dynasties and Courts  

  • Pedagogy and Antiquity 

  • Religion and ritual 

  • The body, medicine and disability 

  • Late Antiquity and  Byzantium


We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff University in July 2024!  


The Cardiff Committee of the Celtic Conference in Classics. 


Dr Nic Baker-Brian, Prof. Guy Bradley, Dr Maria Fragoulaki, Dr Fay Glinister, Dr Dylan Johnson, Prof. Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, Dr Eve MacDonald, Dr Louis Rawlings, Dr David Roberts, Prof. Laurence Totelin, Prof. Shaun Tougher, Prof. James Whitley 



Ers 1998 mae'r Celtic Conference in Classics (CCC) wedi cylchdroi ymhlith prifysgolion ym Mhrydain, Ffrainc ac Iwerddon. Yn 2017 ehangodd y CCC i Québec, Canada, ac yn 2019 i Bortiwgal. Mae'r CCC yn cynnwys dros 20 panel ar bynciau eang yn y Clasuron a Hanes yr Henfyd (gan gynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i, athroniaeth, llenyddiaeth, archaeoleg, celf, astudiaethau derbyn) gyda thua 15 i 20 o gyflwynwyr ar gyfer pob panel. Mae'r CCC yn caniatáu i bob panel archwilio cwestiynau sylfaenol mewn astudiaethau clasurol. Yn y bôn, mae 20 o gynadleddau ar raddfa fawr ar bynciau ymchwil mawr yn y Clasuron yn digwydd ar yr un pryd. Anogir ysgolheigion i symud rhwng paneli er mwyn llunio safbwyntiau a dulliau gweithredu rhyngddisgyblaethol. Mae paneli arbenigol yn agored i arbenigwyr o feysydd pwnc eraill ac anogir ysgolheigion o wahanol draddodiadau cenedlaethol i adeiladu rhwydweithiau academaidd rhyngwladol ymhlith eu sefydliadau cartref er mwyn meithrin cydweithredu yn y dyfodol. Mae'r CCC yn sefydliad democrataidd a chynhwysol sy'n gwahodd ysgolheigion a myfyrwyr i drafod materion sylfaenol cymdeithas a diwylliant Groeg-Rufeinig. Ieithoedd swyddogol y CCC yw Saesneg a Ffrangeg. Sylwer, ar gyfer CCC 2024, mae croeso hefyd i baneli neu areithiau yn yr iaith Gymraeg (gellir darparu cyfieithiad Saesneg). 


Rydym yn filch iawn o gyhoeddi y bydd Celtic Conference in Classics 2024 yn cael ei chynnal ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, Cymru, dydd Mawrth 9fed i ddydd Gwener 12 Gorffennaf 2024. Bydd y gynhadledd yn cael ei chynnal gan yr Adran Hanes yr Henfyd a Chrefydd, sy'n rhan o'r Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd (SHARE). Byddwn yn falch iawn o'ch croesawu i Brifysgol Caerdydd, lle sydd â chysylltiad dwfn ag Anton Powell, sylfaenydd gwreiddiol a Chadeirydd y Celtic Conference in Classics, y mae ei farwolaeth yn 2020 yn cael ei deimlo mor frwd gan gymuned y Clasuron. Ar fenter Anton y sefydlodd adrannau clasurol Prifysgol Ffederal Cymru ar y pryd - Institute of Classics and Ancient History (UWICAH) - a gyfarwyddodd tan 2008. Yn 1993 creodd ei dÅ· cyhoeddi ysgolheigaidd ei hun, Classical Press of Wales (CPW), cyfres o fonograffau llwyddiannus, llawer gan gydweithwyr o Gymru, a chyfrolau cynadleddau, y gellir eu hadnabod ar unwaith gan eu lifrai maroon. Roedd Anton Powell yn hanesydd Clasurol o bwysigrwydd mawr, a oedd yn caru Cymru ac yn benderfynol o hyrwyddo'r wlad i'r byd ehangach. Ein nod yw gwneud CCC 2024 yn ddathliad llawen o fywyd, ysgolheictod ac etifeddiaeth Anton. 


Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu i Brifysgol Caerdydd ym mis Gorffennaf 2024! 


​The Cardiff Committee of the Celtic Conference in Classics.


Dr Nic Baker-Brian, Prof. Guy Bradley, Dr Maria Fragoulaki, Dr Fay Glinister, Dr Dylan Johnson, Prof. Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, Dr Eve MacDonald, Dr Louis Rawlings, Dr David Roberts, Prof. Laurence Totelin, Prof. Shaun Tougher, Prof. James Whitley 

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